Having a new bike is a great feeling and that should not stop you enjoying it. But in time some items will make your life easier while some might even save your life.
Thoroughly check for loose bolts
Even if you bought it from a shop fully assembled already, it’s best to still check the bike. Accidents can happen quick. A tire being loose is a dangerous thing.

Get your bike profesionally adjusted
What does getting a bike adjusted even mean? It means to correctly set the seat for you, the rider. Doing this you improve performance and also comfort.
An unfitted bike can cause damage to your knees while also making your life harder as your pedaling is not used fully.
If getting your bike profesionally adjusted is not possible, you can do it at home, but be aware it will not be the same. Below is a video of how to do it at home.
Buy a lock
Bikes are easy to steal and a lock is a good prevention tool. A better lock should be used for a more expensive bike. A good way to estimate would be that the lock should cost 10% of the cost of the bike.
Locking your bike is another thing you should know. Locking incorrectly may lead to some parts of your bike stolen. Here’s an article on how to correctly lock your bike.
Buy a helmet
Even though most countries do not have a law that makes wearing a helmet mandatory, it is strongly recommended and for good reason. Falling or hitting your head is a serious ordeal so you better protect it. Luckily helmets are regulated and even the cheap ones do the same job as the more expensive counter parts. Look for safety standards in your country and buy ones that have it. For example UK and EU must meet EN 1078 safety standard, while in the US it should meet the Consumer Product Safety Commission’s CPSC 1203 standard.
A helmet is single use, so remember that after an impact to replace it even though there is no sign of damage.
Bike repair kit
Using your bike or not does not matter. Objects decay in time. Whether it’s because you left your bike in the sun, in the rain or a couple of years in the shed, a fix will eventually be needed. A floor pump, chain lube, a puncture repair kit and some simple tools can help you a lot.
Having a bicycle is just the beginning. In order to enjoy the most out of it, it is recommended that some items to be purchased and some things to be learnt. But it’s well worth the effort.